Open Gapps Are Now Available For Oreo 8.1 Devices
On the off chance that you have ever flashed a custom ROM on your gadget, you would have certainly known about Google applications bundles (Gapps). Gapps are flashable ZIP documents which are flashed directly subsequent to introducing a custom ROM. Open Gapps is a standout amongst the most prominent contributions of Gapps and the venture presently bolsters Android 8.1 Oreo.
Oreo 8.1 based Open Gapps would now be able to be downloaded for any design - ARM, ARM64, x86 and x86_64. It's significant here that the Oreo based Gapps bundles are right now of "beta quality". When you will endeavor to choose the Android form as 8.0 or 8.1 on the Open Gapps site, you will get a message expressing, "Oreo is as yet beta quality; 8.0/8.1 requires a fixed ROM for appropriate WebView bolster." This message holds centrality just for a little segment of clients who wish to tweak their WebView supplier. I have developed the same in the accompanying passage.

WebView is a segment of Android which is utilized by applications for rendering website pages. Internet browsers like Chrome and Firefox utilize their own particular rendering motors, so WebView isn't pertinent to them. Other Android applications (like that of Facebook) make utilization of the "chose" WebView supplier. Since Nougat, there is a component in Developer Options which enables you to pick the WebView supplier. As appeared in the picture above, there are a few WebView suppliers to look over, to be specific Chrome (to utilize Chrome as a WebProvider you need a rendition of Chrome introduced - Stable, Dev or Canary), Google WebView and AOSP WebView. In the AOSP code, just the AOSP WebView is characterized. So if you somehow managed to utilize a ROM worked off AOSP (with no alterations and patches), you would locate that exclusive the AOSP WebView is recorded in the Developer Options. For all the WebView suppliers to be recorded, custom ROMs need to join a few patches (fix one, fix two) into their source. These patches must be incorporated in light of the fact that custom ROMs depend on the AOSP code, and in this way just the AOSP WebView is characterized as a matter of course. To uncover all the WebProviders, the given arrangement of patches must be incorporated. When all the patches have been incorporated, all WebView suppliers will be appeared under the Developer Options. The above arrangement of screen captures were taken from a "fixed" ROM.

On the off chance that you couldn't care less about the WebView supplier, it shouldn't make any difference whether the ROM you are utilizing is fixed or not. On the off chance that you aren't sure which WebView supplier to go for, I would suggest utilizing Chrome WebView.
I flashed Open Gapps over an official form of Resurrection Remix. After booting, I introduced Chrome and looked at the WebView suppliers from under Developer Options. As appeared over, all WebView suppliers are being appeared, implying that the ROM is fixed. (Note: In Oreo AOSP, AOSP WebView has been renamed to as Android System WebView). You can take after the means I did and see if the ROM you are utilizing is fixed or not.
For some obscure reason, the Open Gapps application is never again accessible on the Play Store. You will subsequently need to download the Oreo Gapps bundle from the site of Open Gapps (regardless of whether you introduce the Open Gapps APK, despite everything you won't have the capacity to download Gapps for 8.0/8.1).